Mission & Vision

At Newhall Christian Fellowship we are a family on a mission.          

Jesus said, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations…” (Matthew 28:19). He also told us, “Love your neighbor as yourself.” (Mark 12:31)

So our mission is to do just that – In the Neighborhood for the Neighborhood.” As we focus on this, we have a vision to succeed. 

Discover our 3-step vision to achieve our mission

Exalting the Savior

It is just this simple.  We start by putting God first in all we do.  We exalt Him. We lift Him higher than everything and everyone else.  God said, “Do not have other gods besides Me…” (Exodus 20:3HSCB).  When we choose to exalt the Savior first, we walk in the blessing of God, we live in relationship with Him!  He is the reason we love one another and equip one another.  He is the reason we are compelled to share the GOOD NEWS (Evangelize).

Equipping the Saints


We, the body of Christ, equip the saints.  Jesus says, “Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.” (John 13:35NLT)  Our heart is to show the world who this exalted Savior truly is, so we love one another and equip each other to do just that.  Jesus is our head and we are His body to do the will of our Father across the face of this earth!

Evangelizing sinners

As we exalt our Savior and equip each other, we can’t help but share the good news with others.  We evangelize the sinners, because God loves the world, so we love the world.  Jesus set all of us free from sin and death, so we want to see others set free just like we were.  Jesus is the good news of life that we can’t help but share with all those around us.

Our Location

3434 Hubal Avenue
Wyoming , MI, 49519


to  (616) 208-2880
for a special welcome message