Join Us For Sunday Worship at 10:30 AM

We begin by placing God at the center of everything we do and honor Him above all else, glorifying His name above everyone and everything in our lives.

6 Week

Video Series

Bible Study

Wednesdays March 12 – 16  @ 6:30

Sunday March 30

NOISY SUNDAY TODAY  The children will collect your loose change in metal pails.  this will be used for the benevolence fund.

Wednesdays @ 6:30 PM   This Wednesday is the 4th session titled “MY LIFE HAS A PLAN”

WOMEN’S BREAKFAST   Saturday April 5th @ 10:00 AM. Breakfast served by the Men’s Group.

WATER BAPTISM   We will have water baptisms on Easter Sunday. Anyone interested in be baptized please see Pastor Mike.

GOOD FRIDAY SERVICE   We will be having a combined service with Downtown Christian Church at their place on Good Friday at 7:00pm. 1711 Walker Ave N.W., Grand Rapids, 49504. Everyone is welcome!

YOUNG ADULTS GROUP   Mondays @ 6:30 PM
YOUTH GROUP   Thursdays @ 6:00 PM
PRAYER MEETING   Saturdays at 9:00 AM
GAME NIGHT   The 3rd Friday each month.

CHILDREN’S CHURCH & NURSERY  Children’s church is ages 5-10  &  Nursery is ages 0-5.

FORGED NIGHT Men’s Group   The 3rd Sunday of each month held at DCC Church.

SIGN UP FOR TEXT IN CHURCH   Text Welcome to 616-208-2880

Upcoming Events 2025

Sunday May 11th

Mother’s Day and Baby Dedications

May 17 -26th   

Pastor Kenneth Oduor from Kenya, Africa will be here to minister.  We will give more information of his schedule soon.

Prayer Meeting

 Every Saturday @ 9:00 AM

Young Adults Group

Every Monday @ 6:30 PM 

Youth Group

Every Thursday at 6pm

Game Night

3rd Friday Each Month at 6:30 PM

Who We Are

At Newhall Christian Fellowship we are a family on a mission. Jesus said, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations…” (Matthew 28:19).

Weekly Worship

Sunday Mornings at 10:30 a.m.
Family Service – The usual character of our service is community worship, communion, and teaching.

Recent Sermons

Listen to different sermons and series on various topics and books of the Bible. We store them here in our sermon archive for you to easily access online…

Get Involved

Are you new here at Newhall Christian Fellowship?  Do you want to grow in your relationship with God or want some encouragement? Join a weekly or monthly gathering during the week to get together with others just like you for a time of teaching, prayer and fellowship. 

What We Believe

We believe the Church is the community of the redeemed, the Body of Christ through which God’s Kingdom is expressed to the world in this present age.

Our Location

3434 Hubal Avenue
Wyoming , MI, 49519


to  (616) 208-2880
for a special welcome message